Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Traning You're Children

Some of you have inquired about what I have my Baby Girl do during the day, so I thouhgt I would share. Baby Girl is only 2 and she is vary smart and advanced in meny things, but the biggest reason she can do so much is because I have been dilagant about traning her from the day she was born. :) If you start diligantly traning your children now, you can have them turn out almost as perfect as mine. ;)

By the way, Baby Girl loves to help me with household chores - another blessing for propperly traning her. ;) I expect all chores to be done happely and with a smile. She is never aloud to cry about silly things, such as doing chores or getting tired. ;)

NOTE: There are times I just can't be with Baby Girl (like, when I go running for 2 hours) so then I put her in her playpen with a toy. Since she is so well-traned she happily sits there for as long as I need her to, smiling and never crieing. :) She has learned to be joyfull in all sitchuations from me. :) Ladies, it is so importent to remember that you are constently setting an eggsample for your children. :)

Baby Girl's Chore List

* Make up crib in mourning

* Get herself dressed

* Brush her hare and teath

* Take sheats off crib once a week and wash them (she uses my Tite-Ass 2 Lifter to help her reach things, such as the top of the warshing mashine)

* Pick up all toys and put them in there *propper* places. I expect nothing less! :)

* Empty all trashes, and take out to curb on garbege day

* Feed pet rattlesnake and clean cage

* Clear dishes from table after meals, and wipe

* Knead Asstounding Bread dough

* Unload dishwasher

* Load dishwasher and start

* Read allowed from her KJV Bible during family devoshion time. (She has a genuous IQ like me, and has been invited to be in MENSA)

* Sweap and mop all hard floors

* Run vaccume (she is vary strong because of my propper traning)

* Dust her room

* Change her own diepers

* Wash and fold her diepers and her own laundry

Ladies, with proper traning and guidence from you, you're little ones can learn to be helpful around the house too - and to do it with a smile! The time to trane them is rite now. Don't neglect this importent God-given dutie. :)

A question from a dear reader:

Q: Mandy,does your baby girl knead the bread with her hands or feet. My little girl just isn't strong enough yet so I've been having her stomp the bread like a wine maker. But husband says it reminds him of I Love Lucy to see her stomping the bread and wants me do it myself with my hands!I've duct taped weights to her wrists so she can work her muscles all the time, so it shuldn't be a problum for too longer. -MilehiMama

A: No, I have never alloud Baby Girl knead the bread with her feet - only her hands. First of all, she is vary strong because she has been doing this since she started walking at 7 months, so she is used to it. But also, I don't have a problim because I have traned her propperly. You are obviosley not traning your daughter propperly and consistantly to work hard, but are traning her to be laizy. You must stop this at once. It is importent that Christian parents teach they're children the right way to do things, because otherwise you are sinning. Require her to knead with her hands, and nothing else. If she cries or refuses to listen to you, hear is what to do: Have her go outside and pull a small branch from a bush or tree and bring it to you. Then, give her 7 lashes (the number of God) on her leg and tell her what to do again. If she doesn't obay emmediatley, give her 7 more lashes. Repete this routine until she listens to you and kneads the dough propperly with her hands. :) (Don't worry about bruzing, as this may occur, but it will go away quickly. :) Just put a long skirt on her.)

Have a blessed day. :)


Milehimama @ Mama Says said...

does your baby girl knead the bread with her hands or feet. My little girl just isn't strong enough yet so I've been having her stomp the bread like a wine maker. But husband says it reminds him of I Love Lucy to see her stomping the bread and wants me do it myself with my hands!

I've duct taped weights to her wrists so she can work her muscles all the time, so it shuldn't be a problum for too longer.

Anonymous said...


Thank you for this wondurful post. It reelly makes me relize I need to step up my game with my childrin. I'm still triing to teech my 9 month old the meening of "no". I wood of thot he'd pick up on this meening from the gecko. He is not walking yet ether. Your absolutly rite tho. Because of my lazy ass neglectfull parenting, i'm sufferin the conseqenses. If i'd of done things differint i could of had him dressin himself, vacuming, doin dishes, and warshin of all kinds.

concernedcitizen said...

Ohgal, you obviously haven't heard about the "rod" disciplining systam. A 9 month old should know the word "no" by 6 weeks I believe. Get with tha program!

Mandy - can baby girl come to my house? I don't even due that much! Wow, it is hard to intentionally misspell words. Props 2 ya!