Wednesday, June 25, 2008

New Avitar!

I have put up a new avitar. I decided to go less autonymos now, and have put a REAL picture of myself up! I bet everyone is shocked, but I want to no, what do you think? I know it appears "cartoonish" like, but really, it is a real photagraph my hot hubby took of me this afternoon after I exersized and showered, and, pleased him (hint, hint, blush). He thought I looked really cute afterword, so he wanted to take a pick. Then I used the scetch feature on Photoshop. (For those of you wondering why I would spend so much money on Photoshop, don't worry, I didn't! There are ways to get around these things. ;) I have a freind who has Photoshop and she copied it onto a disk for me, and I so got it for free! ;) There's no reason anyone should pay Photoshop for this. Once they provide the service, they do not dezerve to be payed over and over.)

Anyway, I am wondering what you think? Do you like my avitar? Am I hot? Remember ladies, it's all about Me! ;)

And if you're Catholoc, please do not post any comments becuase I really don't want to here them.

Have a blessed day to everyone else!


Me said...

That new 'avitar' is some funny stuff. I've bookmarked you. :-)

whatever said...

I love your blog. I found it from "The Candy is a Liar" blog. I have laughed myself crazy. Thanks for the laughs!

sweepingthehome said...

I love an audience, it's what I live for! Thank you for the comments! I crack myself up too. :P said...

I love you. That is all.

AmandaL said...

You are great! Keep up the good work! Maybe you should post a good salmon recipe--that might be interesting. And make sure to take lots of nasty pics of it to post!!!

concernedcitizen said...

Amanda -

How can you make fun of that delightful salmon dish that Candy prepared??? It was a dieter's dream. Slap that pile of crap in front of someone night after night and they waste away to nothing. Barf!

KJ said...

Haha, you are hysterical. I second the salmon recipe though!

whatever said...

I just wanted to correct something in your post. =)~ .. complete sarcasm to follow.. ;)

She doesn't exercise and then shower.. remember, she said because she is healthy and eats right, her sweat doesn't stink so she just wipes herself off and gets dressed! She only has to shower every other day!

Mmmwwwwhhhhaaahhhaaa.. =)~

Have a great day. Looking forward to your next post.

AmandaL said...


Wasn't that a delightful dish? When I commented about the salmon on her site, my commenting abilities were disabled. All I said was: "Wow. That is some nasty looking stuff! Kudos to you for being able to get your kids (or anyone else for that matter) to eat that!" Guess she didn't like my comment!

KJ said...

Eeww, not showering after exercising, just gross, absolutely gross. I obviously don't eat the right things 'coz I sure smell when I have been exercising. Must go and look up her menu plan for the week, make sure I eat correctly, and save water by not showering. Woohoo!! (Must find the salmon recipe!)

concernedcitizen said...

You can't say ANYTHING against Candy or you are banned. Even something as little as her crap salmon meal, will set her off. Can you imagine what it is like actually living in her house? The kids say something she doesn't like and bam, they are banned from the kitchen or living room. I have a feeling when CPS showed up because her son was riding his bike while they slept, he was trying to escape via his bike and not just riding it for fun.

sweepingthehome said...

That is hilarious Amanda. I can't believe she banned you from commenting for that.

She has removed her "fabulous dinner" post with the picture of the yummy canned salmon.

Working up to Zero said...

Google has it cached... enjoy (but not while eating real food)

Working up to Zero said...

is the link, copy and paste in your browser

AmandaL said...

I often wondered about her son. All jokes aside I really feel for those kids. Their mother preaches about cults while she is actually leading one. I guess this non-homeschooling, non-Christian mother must be doing ok--my kids know better than to pull a stunt like that. Guess he was just looking for some sanity and some love without feeling like a slave. He was pedaling for freedom....

Working up to Zero said...

Either that or he just want to go for a ride.

Kids have the amazing ability to find normal in even that strangest homes.

joni said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
joni said...

She got a lot of crap about the canned salmon. Then, a reader commented that the meal had too many carbs....Candy blew a gasket and was then a PhD in nutrition.

She really defends canned salmon.

Candy is one of the reasons we are going to start Catholic RCIA this fall--Through Candy's site, I was introduced to Visits to Candyland and then intrigued by the Catholic faith. VTC was/is so informative. We pulling our boys from a private "prep school" to the Catholic school this fall. They are now at a Catholic based camp in NC. We met with Father this morning and registered for school. Really, Candy was the catalyst.

I am not the homeschool type (you think?) but I do respect the idea. Elena is doing an exceptional job. She is resourceful within the public educational system. (virtual school, reading specialist etc)

I would even consider traveling to Akron, OH (or is it Canton?)and attend Elena'a RCIA classes or does she teach Pre-Cana? We really don't need Pre-Cana.

OK, after two glasses of wine--I am in my sappy mode.

June 26, 2008 6:35 PM

Anonymous said...

Wow Joni, that is so awesome!!!

concernedcitizen said...

Canned salmon should ONLY be used for salmon croquettes (patties as some like to call them)period. It should be the pink salmon too. Seriously, my family would have a coup d'état if put that crap she made on the table.

Anonymous said...

I can hardly wait for your newest post on when you got saved, lol!!

candyisascrazyasitgets has moved to said...

You ought to find an old lawn chair and write about your new recliner, or you could just fill your dishwasher up so ridiculously full, although I am not sure you can top Candy's. Did you see that thing? How in the world are her dishes getting cleaned. If you are serving salmon out of a can other than patties, you are doing it all wrong. That is just shorting yourself the joys of fresh seafood.