9:08 Get up...Crap!! Realyze I hit the snouze button for an hour, it quit going off, wunderhubby allready went to work, and the house is dead quiet because the kids and I have all been sleaping. Sense no kids are bothering me, go online.
9:40 Eldest
9:50 Pour kids bowls of Luckey Charms
10:30 Get dressed in lovely dress and fuzzy slippers, tell kids to go get dressed. Tell oldest to help yunger siblengs. Throw serial bowls in dishwasher, quickly swipe tabel & counters
10:45: Go online again and play with Meez charectar while ignoring the comotion in the kids' room, change Meez outfit, and then make up fake to-do list. Blog about how my day will be so buzy today, that I won't have time to blog.
11:15 Go check other blogs and leave comments
11:30 Read some Jack Chick comics online
11:45 Yell at kids to shut up and play with their damn video games. All is quiet. Go back to reading Jack Chick. Wow...he is sooooo good.
12:05 Get out waits and do 5 bisep curls, then 2 pushups, and 3 situps.
12:10 Wipe off and blog about doing a 75-minute workout.
12:16 Make Jiff Peanut Butter sandwiches with Wunder Bread, serve with barbie-que potatoe chips.
12:25 Post some homemaid peanut butter recipie, along with an Asstounding Bread recipe that I dreamt up last night; post about the horrars of nutrishonally depleated foods such as potatoe chips that I read about in some nutrishon book; tell kids to clean up lunch mess while I blog
12:32 Find my faverite Dave Hunt anti-Catholoc artecle, copy & paste onto my blog and pretend it's my own
12:40 Go to kitchen to disscover it still a mess from lunch,
12:45 Change Meez character's close again while
1:00 Send kids to their bedrooms, lock doors, and
1:05 Get on computer and read blogs, such as Candy is A Lier, Come Out of Her, Vizits to Candyland, Sweaping the Home. Create fake accounts and leave fake coments and questiens since I don't want anyone to know I actually read them.
4:00 Unlock kids' rooms and let them out. Call a few naybers to reassure them that the screems were nothing. Have a real beer to relax. Plan on blogging about it being a fake beer later.
4:15 Have another beer. Change Meez charectar.
4:35 And another beer. Smile warmley, and wonder why other moms aren't enjoying motherhoud as much as you do.
5:00 Order pizza
5:30 Have another beer, and write about how happy I feel.
6:00 Eat pizza w/ happy kids and hubby, on paper plates, watching tv.
6:30 Have another beer, throw away paper plates and pizza boxes.
6:50 Add to my happy post, while having another beer.
7:20 Send kids to watch tv in bed until they fall asleap. This time, have a shot of vodka, because I deserve it.
7:30 Announce Meez Prayz Partie
1:00 AM - after Meez